
I could write a few pages on this topic, diving into different tips and tactics I have personally used, but I want to keep this post short. It all comes down to attitude.

“Most people would rather complain than contribute to a solution.” Does that sound like you? To be honest, I have been that person in the past. It took a realization that I sometimes can’t control what happens to me, but I can certainly control how I am going to look at a situation. This was not an overnight “ah-ha!” moment; it took a long time for me to be able to realize that if I wasn’t happy with my circumstances that I was the only one who can change it for me. We all want handouts in life. In fact, most of American society is centered around this delusion that they are entitled to one thing or another, making us severely uncomfortable with the least bit of “pain” in our life. The “pain” that many business owners face is juggling their work and life and facing the uphill climb to build a successful business. How can you continue jumping into something that is either not paying you, or causing you to give up time with family/friends, or keeping you up late at night? While these are not ideal situations, you can certainly choose the type of attitude you want to have in the situation. You can choose an attitude of “poor me, I should be relaxing right now…I deserve this,” or you can choose an attitude of “this is a long term investment that can create freedom for not only myself, but the people I care about most.” Which one do you think is healthier?

What are some things you do to help juggle your business with your busy life?

How do you continue to stay motivated?