

We all build something every day. We are either building habits, or building with creativity. Some building is instinctive, while some is not. For us, building websites  is instinctive, but when it comes to building our own site, it is a little different! It is easy to ask people what they want and help them clarify, but when it comes to creating something of your own from a blank canvas, the task can seem pretty daunting.

From nothing.

What is the best way to combat this “writer’s block” or “builders block”? Just start! Start typing; start throwing ideas down. Put as much information on paper as you can. The first and most important step for creativity and productivity is to get the information out of your head. Once you have it out, organize what you have on paper, then add the other ideas that come to your head. Don’t worry how stupid it sounds or what people will think…get it on paper!

To blueprint.

Now that you have assembled your thoughts on paper, you have your blueprint. It doesn’t have to be fancy or perfect. The most important thing is progress. Take pride in what you have already made and begin building, once again!